Aflac has established a strong brand that is tremendously popular with consumers, along with a reputation for paying claims fairly and promptly, for eligible claims. Aflac’s trusted market-leading brand positions them to broaden the appeal of their products to consumers throughout the United States and Japan.
Aflac does business in two of the largest insurance markets in the world, the United States and Japan, and their policies help cover more than 50 million people worldwide.
Aflac’s supplemental insurance products pay cash benefits directly to the policyholder to help protect against income and asset loss when a specific health event or life situation presents financial challenges.
Aflac’s Med Supp offers clients portable coverage, guaranteed renewals, no rate increases for the first 12 months and a 30-day free look.
Clients benefit from additional peace of mind from Aflac, a name they know and trust. This additional layer of financial protection helps clients and their families when they need it most.
Aflac offers supplemental accident insurance that helps with what your health insurance plan might not cover. They pay cash benefits directly to the policyholder (unless assigned otherwise) to be used however they choose.