The Bankers Fidelity Vantage Care Lump Sum Cancer Insurance Policy offers protection above and beyond traditional cancer coverage.
Cancer Plan Details
Waiting period: 30 days
Plan type: Lump sum
Benefit amounts: $5,000-$75,000
Issue ages: 18-99 (18-74 for Specified Disease Benefits)
Unisex rates
Guaranteed renewable
Eligibility requirement: No cancer in past 5 years
Benefit Rider Options include:
Second Opinion & Travel Benefit Rider
Skin Cancer Rider
Cancer Hospitalization Rider
Cancer Radiation and Chemotherapy Rider
Optional Heart-Stroke Benefit
Specified Disease Benefit Rider
Additional Occurrence Benefit Rider
Benefit Builder Rider
Wellness Rider
State Availability
Sample Rates
Sample rates pulled for Iowa in November 2019. For Lump Sum Cancer (100% Carcinoma In Situ), Non-Tobacco. Does not include Heart Attack & Stroke.
Packaging Cancer and Med Supp
New to Cancer Insurance?
Read The Ultimate Guide to Selling Cancer Insurance to Seniors, and you'll not only get full explanations for all the stats on this handout, but you'll learn how to bring up the conversation, what company you should sell, and everything in between.