Optional Rx Entry on Medico Med Supp e-Applications

Optional Rx Entry on Medico Med Supp e-Applications
March 22, 2023

Medico® is making your life easier! Beginning April 1, self-disclosed medications will be optional on Medicare Supplement applications taken on the CSG Actuarial enrollment platform.

Say goodbye to:

  • Making applicants fumble through the medicine cabinet.
  • Worrying about typing drug names correctly into the app.
  • Asking "How long have you been taking that?"

How it works:

On the Medical Health Information section, answer "Yes" to "Have you taken any medication in the last 12 months, including injections or infusions?"

You will see the notice: Medications can be optionally entered below. You can skip medication entry.

Medico RX

You can access CSG Quoting tools via New Horizons' website or inside MedicareCENTER.

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