[image: Indiana and Ohio Agents: CSI Life Is Back In the Game!] We know that for about a year now, a lot of agents in Indiana and Ohio have given up on CSI Life. We understand that, but there have been some massive changes that should cause your ears to perk up a little bit.There’s been an overhaul to the commission structure – and it’s for the good, believe me – as well as rate reductions and a great 4th quarter bonus.I truly believe that if you pick CSI Life up again, you’re really going to like it.Huge Commission Increase CSI Life was a 2-tier levelized commission. They’re doing away with that and are going to a percentage of premium like most other companies.In most states, the base comp is about 21-22%. In Indiana and Ohio, it’s significantly higher than that – in fact, the base level commission is the highest comp we have out of any carrier.If you have questions, please call our office!In Indiana, the Part B deductible premium offset is commissionable as well – that’s like an extra 2.5 points.I really want you to take note that the CSI Life comp in Indiana is really good. I can’t emphasize that enough!CSI Life Med Supp Rate Reductions There have been huge rate reductions as well. In Indiana, you’re looking at reductions from -16% to -19.5%.In Ohio, you’re looking at reductions from -10% to -20.5%.These rate reductions have made CSI Life’s Medicare Supplements extremely competitive. The new rates are in our quote engine now.CSI Life 2018 Fourth Quarter Sales Push To wrap all of this up, there’s a great fourth quarter bonus. The bonus is from October 1 to December 31, 2018, and it applies to all Med Supp business from CSI Life.You can earn $2,500 with 20 issued cases and $5,000 with 40 issued cases. It does exclude G.I. and underage disability business, but this is a heck of a bonus.Issued cases must be underwritten or open enrollment and this bonus applies for the following states: - CO - GA - IN - KY - LA - MS - NC - OH - PA - SC - UT - WV So, on top of the huge commission, you’re also putting your business towards a great Christmastime bonus.If you’ve been on the fence about writing CSI Life again, I highly encourage you to dip your toes back in the water – you’re going to love it!