Better business is coming soon!
Cigna is pleased to announce that starting April 26, you will be able to quote and submit applications for Cigna Supplemental Benefits Medicare supplement products up to 180 days in advance during a customer's Open Enrollment period!*
The new process is designed to give you and your customers an easier, more efficient business experience. This change will allow you to secure your customer's Med supp coverage earlier in their eligibility period, versus the previous 90-day process. You will be able to continue to use the same tools you know and love: Express App 2.0 and Express Quote.
For questions, please call the Agent Resource Center (ARC), Monday through Friday, from 8:00 AM to 5:30 PM CT at 877.454.0923
* 180 day quote and submit available during customer Open Enrollment period only. Available for Medicare supplement products only.